Dana has an eye for detail. She always has. And color. And form. From a very young age Dana was drawn to art with creativity coming naturally to her.
Her love for art and creative talent led her to study art in college where she received honors in graphic design. From there she has continued to pursue her artistic endeavors, exploring art in many forms with deep roots in graphic design. Dana has master skills in the realm of Photoshop where she consistently blends art into advertising.
Together Dana and Jordan share a combined 25 years of experience in the field of graphic design.

From his earliest memories Jordan has held a love for art. Inspiration has always come from the natural world, be it wildlife, wild lands, or both.
Jordan has explored various mediums over the years, including pencil, acrylic and watercolor paints, etching, and carving, both wood and antler. In the late 90's photography was added and with it an interest in being able to work with the photos and enhance them through various graphic programs.
Since then, Jordan has gone on to develop a strong ability to work within the elements of graphic design. A natural eye for detail, color and composition and ability to combine image, typography and creativity allows for beautiful graphic design.
GRAPHIC design is visual communication through the CREATIVE use of type, space and image.
All material Copyrite of SUMMIT graphics 2015